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About Me

About Me

I grew up in the dusty streets of Johannesburg, South Africa where the red highveld sand can destroy any pair of white takkies. For over a decade I dedicated my waking hours to producing books, magazines and newspapers for others—NGOs, government projects, you name it. But it wasn’t until I decided to write my own book, well into my thirties that I truly found my voice.
At the beginning of my writing career many many years ago, I ran a journalism club in a detention center for delinquent girls in Cape Town. It was there, among their stories of criminality, suffering and hardship that I understood how writing could offer a fresh start and hope. I believe in the power of stories. Not just the ones we read in books, but the ones we live every day. I believe in YOUR story, and you should too.
Writing is more than just putting words on paper; it’s a way to heal and understand yourself better. When you take the time to look within, to really examine yourself, examine what makes you you and what it is that you want out of life, life leans in to help you become more than you can imagine. That is why my books are participatory by design, containing exercises and activities for you my dear reader to embark on your own journey, and write your own story.
If you’re here, maybe you’re looking for inspiration, or maybe you’re looking for some company on your journey. Either way, I’m glad you’re here. I don’t claim to have all the answers. In fact, the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know. And that’s okay. I’m merely a student of life becoming aware and sharing that awareness.
Join me for my story, and stay for the lesson ❤️


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